Ezlunch is launching a school lunch service in the Waikato headed up by Cambridge mother of two, Melissa Teesdale. The company has served over 60,000 school lunches to Kiwi kids since its launch nearly two years ago by providing a link between schools and a network of local cafés. Busy parents need convenience, without compromising health; the real gain for parents lies in the convenience, according to Ms Teesdale. "Orders can be made online or by text as late as 9am on the day of delivery and the meals are delivered to schools for around the same price as coffee and a slice."
All ezlunch cafés prepare school lunches from fresh whole ingredients each day. “Convenience and healthy food don't often go together," said Melissa. “The reason that ezlunch has been so successful is that parent's don't have to compromise one to get the other. This is a really easy way for parents to make sure their children eat well at school.” The company's family focus means that all the proprietary software has been developed to efficiently handle families with multiple children and even multiple schools. Parents can order for all of their children in one page, quickly and efficiently.
The business was originally started by entrepreneur and parent Sandra Finlay, who developed the online school lunch ordering system as a direct response to her own difficulties finding convenient healthy food for her children. Two years on, with the help of some smart technology and partnership with a network of café's and catering businesses, Sandra's vision has turned into a successful business.